
Return of Title IV Policy

学校认识到可能会出现需要学生放弃部分或全部课程的情况. Indiana State University's Refund Policy, published in the 课程时间表, is used to determine the refund of institutional charges.

机构费用的退款也可能影响学生获得某些类型的经济援助的资格. 正式或非正式退出所有课程的学生,如果他们获得了任何联邦第四章经济援助,可能会受到联邦第四章资金返还公式的约束. 联邦第四章援助包括以下内容,并将按以下顺序返还:

  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  • Federal Direct Subsidized Direct Loan
  • Federal Direct 研究生/Parent PLUS Loan
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
  • Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant


Dropping all classes before the semester begins:

Any time a student withdraws completely from all classes, 财政援助办公室将要求100%退还从联邦和州基金中提取的退款, since the student never attended a single class. If this process occurs before the 7th day of the semester, the student is typically entitled to a refund of University charges. 退款时间表可在注册及档案处网页查阅: http://vxqfco.xuemi.net/registrar

Dropping some classes after the semester begins:

接受经济援助的学生必须完成67%的课程. (见也 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.) If the student falls below 67% completion rate, he or she will forfeit their eligibility for federal financial aid. 在学期开始后,决定何时退课或何时加课是至关重要的.

Enrollment information is reported to the National Student Loan Data System, 如学生不符合延期还款的标准(half-time enrollment).

Pell grant recipients 必须参加 all of their courses in order to keep the grant. Failure to attend all courses could result in a reduction of Pell grant funds.

Dropping all classes after the semester begins, also called a WITHDRAWAL:

Official withdrawals 是否定义为在付款期开始之前或之后放弃所有课程的学生. 想要退出当前学期的学生必须通过MyISU门户网站上的学生自助服务徽章进行退出.  For instructions, see Withdrawal Procedures.

一般来说,在课程第一周之前发生的退学有资格获得全额退款. Refunds are prorated thereafter depending on the portion of the semester. After the 4th week of the semester, fee refunds are generally not permitted. 看到 http://vxqfco.xuemi.net/registrar 有关详细信息,. Housing and meal plan contracts vary. 联系 The Office of 住宅生活 for an application for contract release.

When a student officially withdraws from ISU, 注册和记录办公室确定退课日期为学生退课的正式日期. 提款日期将在联邦归还第四章公式中使用,以确定付款期完成的百分比. 完成付款期的百分比将决定已获得(或可能已获得)的联邦第四章援助的部分,用于支付剩余的机构费用(如学费), 费用, or university housing) on a student's account. 例如, if the student withdraws after completing 30% of his classes, he is only entitled to approximately 30% of his federal financial aid.

In a situation where the total amount of 赢得了 Federal Title IV grants and/or loans is less than the disbursed amount, 差额必须按上述顺序返还给联邦第四章项目. And no additional disbursements may be made to the student for the payment period.

然而, if the total amount of 赢得了 联邦第四章拨款和/或贷款大于已支付和/或本应支付的总额, 这些数额之间的差额必须作为提款后付款处理.

提款后的支付必须在可用的贷款资金之前从可用的奖助金中进行. If outstanding current charges exist, 退学后的补助金将用于支付这些费用,任何多余的补助金将退还给学生. 然而, 发放后的贷款需要学生或家长的确认,以获得家长PLUS贷款. 在这些情况下, 学生和/或家长将在学校确定学生退学后的30天内收到通知,并提供退学后的付款. 自通知之日起14天内,学生和/或家长可以接受或拒绝这笔资金. Once notification of acceptance has been received, ISU将在该机构确定学生退学后180天内发放资金.

Once the withdrawal has been completely processed, this may leave some university charges unpaid, and the student will be billed for this amount. 到期金额将在取款后45天内出现在学生的账单上.

Unofficial Withdrawals, At the end of each semester, 学生经济援助办公室将审查所有已经完成学期并且没有完成任何课程且成绩为D-或更高的申请人. 对于这些学生, 学生经济援助办公室将与学院合作,确定与学术相关的学术活动的最后日期. If it is determined the student did not attend the entire semester, 学生经济援助办公室将在45天内为那些获得联邦第四项援助的学生完成联邦第四项回报.

Non passing grades are as follows: IN, F, Fx, W, Dx. 如果学生的导师指出他们在本学期的任何部分都没有上课,那么该学期将被退学,并给予W分. Grades of “IN” will be automatically assigned a failing grade after 1 year. All other grades persist as given.

最后出勤日期是用来确定学期完成百分比的日期. If a student fails to pass any classes, 根据他的导师提供的日期,他参加了不到60%的课程, 经济援助办公室将使用学期的中点来计算获得的资助.

Appropriate documentation for Last Date of Attendance can include:

  • 亲自参加有机会与老师和学生互动的课程;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an exam, interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instructions;
  • Attending a study group that is sponsored by the school;
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters; and Initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject.

After all Title IV aid return requirements have been satisfied, 剩余的信贷余额将用于支付允许的现有未付费用. If a credit balance remains after all aid sources have been repaid, funds are returned to the student. 如果由于学生账户上的信用余额而将资金发放给学生, 那么,如果学生退学,学生可能需要偿还一些第四章的资金.



220 North Seventh Street
Indiana State University



8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.