
Cash Handling Procedure Statement

电子游戏试玩的现金处理程序要求每个接收现金的地区都必须得到财务主任办公室财务事务司助理副总裁的批准, and to be verified as an authorized cash collection site. 现金回收处被定义为定期处理现金的部门. 虽然有些部门或实体的现金收集不被认为是官方的现金收集地点(如.g., 机构), 他们必须遵循适用于现金收集场所的相同现金处理程序. All cash collection sites that accept payment of any type, (现金, 检查, 签证/万事达卡/Discover, 等.)必须遵守金融服务部助理副总裁发布的指导方针和程序.

所有的电脑, 平板电脑, and phone peripheral devices will not be used to store, 未经金融服务副总裁批准,处理或传送信用卡信息.  这一禁令适用于大学系和附属单位,如中心.  这项禁令也包括电子游戏试玩附属的学生组织.  Prohibited technologies or software include but are not limited to card swipe devices, 读卡器, or NFC (Near Field Communication) devices.  Indiana State University prohibits the use of PayPal to accept online payments.  任何在线支付都必须通过支付卡行业批准的软件进行处理,该软件由ISU的PCI合规团队验证.  所有在线支付供应商必须得到财务总监办公室金融服务部门助理副总裁的批准.  此外,现金应用如Venmo、cash App、Zelle Chime、Apple Pay、Google Pay等., are prohibited from being used to accept payments.

Basic procedures required for cash collection sites follow.

  • Perform a daily cash count of funds
  • Funds include: cash, 检查s, money orders, Visa/万事达卡/Discover, 等.
  • 接受Visa/万事达卡/Discover付款需要经财务主任办公室金融服务部助理副总裁预先批准. No other credit card types may be accepted.
  • Credit card receipts must total the batch total from the credit card machine.
  • Checks must be restrictively endorsed immediately upon receipt; all 检查s must be endorsed prior to being transported. (Please include an index and account number on all 检查s.)
  • Provide sequential numbered receipts for each cash transaction (现金 register receipt or hand written receipt) to customer; one copy must be included with the deposit and one copy must be kept with the department/agency files for audit purposes.
  • 向主管提供已确认无效交易的批准,并包括在对账中.
  • Provide for adequate separation of duties.
  • 为处理现金提供安全的锁定地点,包括锁定存储能力.
  • 完成日常存款,并在一个工作日内将存款送到财务总监办公室的客户分析师区域,或安全存入财务总监办公室上锁的保管箱.
    • Deposits should be transported in a secure locked bag.
    • If a key is needed for the drop box, please contact the University Bursar.
  • 部门al Checking Accounts are not permitted
  • Document any discrepancies (short or long) on deposit form.
  • Immediately report any balancing discrepancies in the amount of $50.00 or more, to the Fiscal Operations Director.
  • 至少每周核对你的班纳财务账户的存款,以确保你的存款被准确记录.
  • 财务处帐务分析主任会将任何存款差异通知发证部门,以便他们作出相应的调整.  该部被允许有机会到财务主任办公室确认/调和差额.
  • 将与现金处理活动有关的人事变动通知财务运营总监.
  • The personal use of cash from the fund is prohibited in all circumstances.


Who Should Know These Procedures?

Any university employee entrusted with the responsibility of receipt, deposit and/or reconciliation of cash for university related activities.


一个部门或机构想要获得成为现金收集站的特权,必须提交一份书面请求,要求建立一个新的现金收集站. 每个部门必须遵守电子游戏试玩现金收集现场程序要求,其中规定了现金处理责任. Each cash collection site is responsible for the reconciliation of all deposits. For departments who wish to take payments via credit card, 书面请求必须经财务主任办公室主管金融事务司的助理副总裁批准. 所有处理设备*将由财务服务部助理副总裁获得,费用由提出请求的部门承担. 签证, 万事达卡, 和Discover是电子游戏试玩唯一接受的授权信用卡. 获得处理设备的部门有责任确保所有敏感信息的安全.  

*处理设备包括信用卡读卡器/打印机和销售点终端. 除了, any cash register system that is used to process any payment made to the university, 是否应在作出购买承诺之前提请财务主任办公室和信息技术办公室负责金融事务司的助理副总裁注意.

Review and Approval of cash collections sites


内部审计办公室和国家审计委员会将定期审查现金收集地点. 不遵守批准程序的部门可能会失去作为现金回收站的权利. Requests to become a cash collection site should be submitted as indicated below.

Associate Vice President for Financial 服务 Division
联系 Information

Office of the Controller Account Analyst Area
Fiscal Operations Director, or
University Bursar


200 N 7th Street
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Indiana State University

8:15 AM - 4:30 PM